The Chairman/CEO of Innoson Vehicles has approached the Court of Appeal, Awka Division to seek an order of the court disqualifying Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, as a Counsel to GTB in Appeal No. CA/E/288/2013 on grounds of a statement by Wole Olanipekun’s law firm that as the Chairman of the Body of Benchers, he compromises any court in Nigeria court in which he appears in favour of his clients. The Body of Benchers is the highest legal body in the Nigerian Legal Profession, made of the Supreme Court Judges, presiding Justices of the Court of Appeal, and Chief Judges of the State High Court.

In a motion on notice filed in the court by the Counsel to Innoson, Prof J. N. Mbadugha, SAN, of McCarthy Mbadugha & Co praying for an order of the Honorable Court to disqualify Chief Olanipekun, SAN, in his capacity as a legal practitioner or counsel from signing, filing, instituting or prosecuting Appeal No. CA/E/288/2013 between Guaranty Trust Bank PLC vs Innoson Nigeria Limited. More so, the counsel to Innoson further sought the prayers of the court for an order setting aside all processes signed and filled by chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, as the Counsel/Legal Practitioner of or to GTB Plc on the same appeal on the grounds that the processes are incompetent. Lastly, an order striking out GTB motion on the notice, dated 26th October 2018 prepared by Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, for want of competence, he also signed an amended notice of appeal. 

The grounds upon which the motion was brought are:
1. Wole Olanipekun & Co in its email published that:
a. its "Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, is currently the Chairman of the Body of Benchers, which is the highest ruling body in the Nigerian Legal Profession made up of the  Supreme Court Judges, presiding Justices of the Court of Appeal and Chief Judges of the State High Court. In other words, Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, OFR, is the head of the entire legal profession in Nigeria”;
b. Presence of Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, in the matter will significantly switch things in favour of the party that engaged him in the matter.

2. Appearance or continued appearances of Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, in this matter will jeopardize or imperil the integrity of this honourable court.

3. The appearance or continued appearance of Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, in this matter will compromise the integrity of the court or give the impression that the court is compromised and that no justice will be done by the court.

4. The involvement of Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN, in this Appeal for GTB will create an appearance of impropriety or such a fashion that will imperil the Court's - Court of Appeal - status of legitimacy to enable the legitimacy of the court - Court of Appeal - need to be maintained.

Recall that GTBank stole the sum of N560 million from Innoson’s account. This resulted in Innoson commencing suit No. FHC/AWK/139/2012 against GTBank at the Federal High Court, Awka. The court rendered judgment in favour of Innoson on 16th May 2013 in the sum of N4.7 billion with a 22% interest rate until it is fully paid.

GTBank appealed against the judgment in Appeal No.: CA/E/288/2013 at the Court of Appeal, Enugu Division. On the 9th December 2014, the Court of Appeal made an order that GTBank pays the judgment debt which then stood at about N6 billion to the Deputy Registrar of the Court for onward payment into an interest-yielding account. Chief Wole Olanipekun is the Counsel to GTB in this appeal at the Court of Appeal.

Interestingly, in an email sent on 20th June 2022 to SAIPEM SPA by Wole Olanipekun & Co, the author of the email stated that “It will also reveal that the presence of our lead partner, Chief Olanipekun SAN, OFR, in the matter will significantly switch things in favour of SAIPEM. Chief Olanipekun, SAN, OFR, is currently the Chairman of the Body of Benchers which is the highest legal body in the Nigerian Legal Profession, made of the Supreme Court Judges, presiding Justices of the Court of Appeal, and Chief Judges of the State High Courts, including the Rivers State High Court. In order words, Chief Olanipekun, SAN, OFR is the head of the entire legal profession in Nigeria. Wole Olanipekun & Co. has also helped other multinationals, such as in the famous cases of MTN tax dispute, Shell Petroleum, Equinor (former Statoil) dispute, etc., avoid huge payouts in more complexes, sensitive and highly-political matters.”

This boastful claim made to SAIPEM SPA by Wole Olanipekun & Co has generated a huge outcry and condemnation and made headlines in several media and this has propelled the Chairman/CEO of Innoson Vehicles to approach the court to pray for an order of the honourable court to disqualify Chief Olanipekun, SAN, in his capacity as a legal practitioner or counsel to GTB. 

Cornel Osigwe
Head of Corporate Communications, 
IVM Innoson Group.

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