Champions are not crowned because they desired to be champions, but are crowned because they defeated their opponents.
I am not talking to the eyes that sees a small girl speaks, but to the ears that hears a great message from the mouth of a small girl.
- Bubu Warrilastborn.
NBA Elections are at hand, people are rallying round and interests expressed. However, the concept of a 'good person' does not translate to a good leader, because 'good' is subjective.
A good leader is an effective leader who can do what their office empowers them to do with or without external influence.
Here is the list of 25 essential leadership qualities that help leaders to achieve greater success.
1. Integrity.
2. Innovative.
3. Honesty.
4. Active listening.
5. Self confidence.
6. Visionary.
7. Strong Communicator.
8. Delegation.
9. Decision making skills.
10. Problems solving skills.
11. Fair attitude.
12. Inquisitiveness.
13. Self motivated.
14. Humility.
15. Care for others.
16. Self discipline.
17. Emotional intelligence.
18. Passion.
19. Resilience.
20. Accountability.
21. Supportive.
22. Tech savvy.
23. Empathy.
24. Learning agility and
25. Empowerment.
Happy New Year Learned Gentle men and ladies!
Clementina E. Ukiri, Esq.