Bayo Akinlade Esq. 2020 VISION.

 _Keeping it_

 *``S . I . M . P . L . E```*

 *S* ➡ ```Service```
 _Serving the NBA members and the Community at Large_

 *I* ➡ ```Inspire```
 _When we serve we Inspire others_

 *M* ➡ ```Mentorship```
 _When we inspire, we can then Mentor_

 *P* ➡ ```Professionalism```
 _Successful mentorship breeds professionalism_

 *L* ➡ ```Law Reform```
 _With Professionalism, we are able to reform our laws for the greater good of all_

 *E* ➡ ```Empowerment```
 _With better laws, we are able to empower generations to come_ .

# *Hardtalk*
Meet Bayo Akinlade on Twitter.

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